Thursday, February 12, 2009

Kahoona 9.5 - day 3 testing in big waves - 02/12/2009

Some where deep in the ocean half a mile from shore lies my Olympus waterproof camera. :-(((

Today the wind was quite strong 17 to 26 mph. I got to the beach and Grant E. (220 lbs) just came in from riding his 12m HP Nemesis. I gave him the Kahoona 9.5 to test as I need to see how this kite performs with a heavy guy and moderate 18mph wind. Grant went out and got some small 5 to 10 foot jumps. You can see the picture here showing Grant was kiting on the RED Kahoona 9.5m and Mike S. (190 lbs) kiting on the 11.5m Kahoona. The beautiful blue sky was full of these beautiful cumi clouds and I just can't pass the opportunity for some nice pictures.

The waves on the outside were bigger today so I grabbed the 9.5m Kahoona from Grant E. and rode my Underground Freewave 5'8". Victor S. also just got a new Caution kite so I signaled to Victor that I want to take some pictures on the outside wave riding. My Olympus waterproof camera on my right hand was capturing some nice epic footages of today wave riding. I was having a blast riding unhooked strapless on head high waves. I parked on the outside and filmed Victor drop in on a nice head and half wave. This was the last video recorded on my camera. I saw a huge wave setting up so I hurried up and took it. The next thing I saw was lots of white water and my Kahoona totally got dumped in the waves. It then took off straight from the powerzone without any of my inputs and parked at zenith. The result of this drag, broke my camera leash so now somewhere half a mile from shore is my camera deep down in the bottom of the ocean. However, from today session: Kahoona is ONE OF THE BEST AUTO-Relaunch kite I have ever owned!

Not much else to say for today, except that I was having tons of fun on the Kahoona 9.5m and got my ass kicked by the big waves.